Update: The WWE has crown winners of today’s fight kings and queens…

Results, synopsis, and grades for the WWE King and Queen of the Ring: Gunther and Nia Jax were crowned in Jeddah.

After winning the King and Queen of the Ring competitions on Saturday in Saudi Arabia, Gunther and Nia Jax are headed to SummerSlam, where they might potentially compete for a global championship. In the men’s tournament, Gunther prevailed against Randy Orton, while Jax narrowly defeated Lyra Valkyria with a valiant attempt.

At King and Queen of the Ring, there was a ton more action, including four championship matches. The tournament saw just one title changed hands, as Liv Morgan used a steel chair to continue her “revenge tour” before defeating Becky Lynch to claim the women’s world championship.

In the main event of the evening, United States champion Logan Paul put on another fantastic performance. In a contest amongst champions, Paul was defeated by undefeated WWE champion Cody Rhodes, with Rhodes’ title being the only thing at stake.

Throughout the whole tournament, CBS Sports provided you with live updates, highlights, and grades as the action unfolded.

Women’s Tag Team Championship — Kickoff Match: Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell vs. Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill (c):The bout began with Cargill using her strength to work over Hartwell, but things took a turn for the worse when Belair started having problems with her knee again.

With Hartwell holding Belair in check, LeRae capitalized with a chop block to the knee. The challengers persisted in isolating Belair and exerting pressure on his knee with a variety of strikes and holds.

In an attempt to keep Belair away from the hot tag, Hartwell also took a cheap shot at Cargill. However, Belair made the tag a few moments later, which allowed Cargill to blitz both opponents.

A terrifying moment occurred when LeRae tried a moonsault but fell primarily on her head while Hartwell held Cargill dangling on the ropes. LeRae seemed fine, though.

Shortly after, Belair tagged back in, going after LeRae’s knee and winning it for Belair and Cargill with a DDT into an ocean cyclone suplex on LeRae.Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair prevailed. Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae will keep their crowns.

Women’s World Championship — Liv Morgan vs. Becky Lynch (c):During a referee pause, Liv scored a cheap early goal. Before Morgan could get Lynch off the middle rope, there was some fighting around the ring. Maintaining some momentum, Morgan delivered a powerful clothesline and several kicks in the corner.

During this stretch, Liv went for many pins, applying as much pressure as she could on Lynch before grounding her with an arm lock. Both ladies executed simultaneous clotheslines just as Lynch appeared to be working her way back into the match. When Lynch finally got going, he managed to push Morgan out of the ring, followed by a diving clothesline and a dive dropkick from the middle rope that almost brought him down.

Morgan’s codebreaker also resulted in a near fall. Morgan nearly won the battle with a dropkick of her own as Lynch attempted to dive onto her from the top rope, but Lynch countered Oblivion. Following some fighting, Lynch locked in an armbar, but Morgan retaliated by stepping into the Saturnian rings.

Lynch managed to get away and secure the Dis-Arm-Her after a battle. Dominik Mysterio then moved to the ringside, deterring Lynch long enough for Morgan to use a second codebreaker to block the Manhandle Slam.

Lynch did not utilize the chair that Mysterio slid in for her, but Mysterio diverted the referee’s attention, allowing Morgan to land a DDT on the chair and then defeat Oblivion to win the title. A little sloppy at times from both of them, especially Lynch, but overall a solid match.Result: Liv Morgan won the title by pinfalling Becky Lynch.Rating: B-

Intercontinental Championship: Bronson vs. Chad Gable vs. Sami Zayn (c) Reed: Reed launched himself directly at both men at the beginning of the fight, and Zayn then dove into Reed. Zayn carried on with his roll, fighting Gable all the way to a standing elbow from the middle rope.

When Reed returned to the fight, he executed a combination uranage/reverse DDT, dropping Zayn onto Gable. The three men continued to exchange momentum.

Zayn turned a Reed Samoan drop into a powerbomb from the middle rope and dove over the top rope into both men. When Reed saw that Gable and Zayn were on the ropes, he powerbombed them into a superplex. After putting Zayn in an ankle lock, Gable moved to hold Reed in the same manner, and Zayn then grabbed Gable in the same manner.

As Reed charged in, Zayn let go of the hold, allowing herself to hit Reed with the blue thunder bomb for a near fall. After stacking the two men on his shoulders in preparation for a Samoan drop, Reed executed a suicide dive on them.

As Zayn was about to give Reed a Helluva Kick, Gable attacked him with a couple of German suplexes. Zayn then turned around and smacked Gable with the same move, just in time to see Reed attempt to German suplex both men at the same time.

However, it was Gable who succeeded in doing so moments later. At Gable’s prodding, Otis clotheslined Reed outside the ring. Then Gable threw Zayn from the ring and told Otis to follow suit.

When Otis refused, Gable started berating him, pushing and slapping him. When Gable lifted Zayn up once again, Otis attempted to give Zayn a clothesline, but Zayn dodged and Otis struck Gable.

After Gable was knocked out, Zayn entered the ring, gave Reed a Helluva Kick, and won the bout. Apart from Otis costing Gable the match, the actual objective was a big-move match that kept the tale going.Result: To maintain the title, Sami Zayn defeated Bronson Reed and Chad Gable via pinfall.Rating: B

Finals of Queen of the Ring — Nia Jax vs. Lyra Valkyria:Jax effortlessly avoided Valkyria’s drop toe hold and attempted a roll-up. In an attempt to outrun Jax and exploit her speed, Valkyria sent him flying through the ropes and dove into the ring apron. However, Jax stayed on her feet and crushed Valkyria.

At last, Jax decelerated and delivered a two-count elbow drop. Jax persisted in systematically taking Valkyria down, but Valkyria made a fleeting return with a barrage of blows that brought Jax to her knees. Jax managed to bounce back and land a Samoan drop.

Jax attempted to hit the Annihilator on the ring apron, but Valkyria slid in the way and nailed him with a bulldog on the floor instead. Returning to the ring, Valkyria nearly fell after hitting a tornado DDT. After hitting a Samoan drop once more, Jax attempted an Annihilator but was thrown off the ropes by Valkyria, who then gave him a double stomp and a leg drop to the back, causing another near fall.

Jax used a modified Annihilator to drop onto Valkyria during their tussle, winning by powerbombing her off the second rope.

Valkyria has to engage with her supporters more, and Jax can run with the crown as a crucial aspect of her character, so this was the appropriate decision on the side of the Queen of the Ring. Both ladies put on strong performances, with Valkyria being able to display more ferocity and benefit more from it than in any of her previous tournament matchups.Result: To win Queen of the Ring, Nia Jax defeated Lyra Valkyria via pinfall.Rating: B

Randy Orton vs. Gunther in the King of the Ring Finals: An extended struggle with an elbow tie-up and collar revealed that Orton would probably work the contest at his preferred speed.

There was another elbow and collar struggle. Each man worked the arm in turn. After down Gunther with a shoulder tackle, Orton placed him in a side headlock, which he maintained despite many efforts by Gunther to break free.

Gunther chopped first, then landed a second and a third as the referee broke the grip along the ropes. After a fourth attempt with a chop, which Orton intercepted and threw in the right hands, Gunther was dropped following a European uppercut exchange. Gunther attempted a powerbomb, but Orton almost delivered a counterpunch RKO. Gunther began to work on Orton’s back, pressing his forearms into his vertebrae.

Gunther stopped Orton’s attempts at a comeback by sticking to his back, even going so far as to deliver a forceful body slam. Before Orton could execute the technique and attempt to fight back into the contest, the two men battled to suplex each other. However, Orton was hit with a vicious chop to the chest and a forearm to the back.

After Orton started using blows and clotheslines, Gunther grabbed the ropes to stop a power slam. Gunther then regained control of the match until Orton attempted the power slam a second time. After hitting the hanging DDT, Orton got ready to hit the RKO.

Before the RKO, Gunther gave Orton the shove and followed up with a body slam and a splash from the top rope to almost send Orton to the canvas. Gunther attempted a second splash, but Orton blocked it and delivered an RKO. Gunther rolled out of the ring before Orton could try to pin him.

After pursuing Gunther outdoors, Orton twice threw him against the commentary desk, once using his back to break free from a powerbomb attempt and then again for a third time. As Orton attempted to reenter the ring, Gunther interrupted his charge by dropping Orton in the knee.

After receiving a few more knee shots, Gunther locked into a half crab. Following a crab by Gunther in the second half, Orton went all out for an RKO. At two, Gunther kicked out while slapping Orton’s knee. Even though one of Orton’s shoulders was nowhere near the mat, Gunther then locked in a crucifix pin to secure the victory.

Although Orton’s shoulder was clearly raised during the pin (to the point where the commentary team was unable to ignore it), the match was a terrific way to close an exciting tournament with lots of action.Ultimately, Gunther defeated Randy Orton by pinfall to win the title of King of the Ring.Rating: A-

Undisputed WWE Title—Logan vs. Cody Rhodes (c) Paul:Early on, there was some chain wrestling as Rhodes attempted to prove he could simply outwrestle Paul, though Paul was able to hold his own with a few reversals. The two shoved one other a few times before exchanging blows and executing a Rhodes front suplex.

After dropping into a splits to avoid a cross-body from Rhodes, Paul drove him into the ring steps at ringside. Once again inside the ring, Paul hit Rhodes with punches before launching an overbomb that almost caused a fall.

Paul performed a standing moonsault, which led to another near-fall. With an arm drag, Rhodes sent Paul over the top rope, but Paul persisted in hitting Rhodes’ midsection and ribs. After smashing a Prime bottle in Paul’s face, Rhodes was approached by a “fan” and forced to drag Paul over the guard rail.

Another spectator gave Paul brass knuckles, which he used to pound Rhodes in the ribs as the referee handled the situation.

When Paul became sidetracked from his argument with Michael Cole, Rhodes launched himself out of the ring into Paul, setting up a powerslam for when they returned to the ring.

Paul was placed in a figure-four leglock by Rhodes. Paul screamed, “Chill, Cody, you’re gonna break my leg,” and grabbed the rope to break the hold. Another close call for Rhodes was provided by a Cody Cutter. Rhodes kicked out at two after Paul countered his vertebreaker and hit a Cross Rhodes.

Paul tried to hit a pedigree onto the commentary station when the fight spilled back outside the ring, but Rhodes managed to get away and hit a Cody Cutter onto the table instead.

The referee was ready to count to ten when Rhodes entered the ring, but Rhodes begged him to stop and let him win. Paul was able to get up and hit Rhodes in the face with his right fist. After placing Rhodes on the desk, Paul proceeded to the upper rope and used a highlight reel frog splash to get Rhodes through the desk.

Rhodes kicked out at two when Paul pulled him back into the ring for a second frog splash. The referee was removed after being unintentionally bashed in the corner, but Rhodes still managed to score with a vertebreaker.

Paul delivered a low strike to Rhodes. The Saudi guest ring announcer, a comedian and performer, grabbed Paul’s foot as Paul brought out his brass knuckles, which allowed Rhodes to eventually parry the punch and hit Cross Rhodes for the victory.

It’s time to respect Paul like every other wrestler on the roster and stop talking about his matches as if he’s not a legitimate wrestler. Paul has done this long enough.

That being said, his matches are still excellent, which is a plus. The bout was excellent, however it didn’t quite beat out Gunther vs. Orton for match of the evening. Rhodes is clearly a talented fighter.Result: To keep the title, Cody Rhodes defeated Logan Paul via pinfall.Rating: B+

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