Update: The offensive coordinator for the New York Jets will soon be replaced…

Report: This offseason, the New York Jets attempted to replace offensive coordinator Nathaniel Hackett.

The New York Jets’ 2023 season did not proceed as expected. In particular, the offense seemed significantly more offensive than one would have thought from the 2023 New York Jets.

That disappointment has a clear explanation: quarterback Aaron Rodgers, who was expected to be the team’s focal point, broke his arm on the team’s opening drive of the season and missed the rest of it.

That acknowledges the fact that very few teams could overcome losing a player of Aaron Rodgers’ caliber rather than offering an excuse. However, the offensive coordinator will always take part of the blame when your offense is among the worst in the league.

To what extent is blamed? That, however, is debatable. Connor Hughes of SNY stated that the New York Jets’ decision-makers appeared to think that the answer to that question was “quite a bit,” as they contemplated replacing Hackett this offseason.

This offseason, the Jets made sincere attempts to bring in a replacement for Hackett. Not as a brand-new offensive coordinator, but as the person in charge above the others.

This offseason, the Jets had enough to deal with without having to replace areas they were happy with. That pursuit indicates to me that there are real doubts about Hackett’s capacity to manage things effectively on the inside.

Based on this article, Hackett always appeared likely to stay with the team; nonetheless, it appears that the Jets thought of granting him a demotion by assigning his responsibilities (but not his title) to someone else.

With Hackett’s extensive experience as a head coach and offensive coordinator, this would have been a very significant—and awkward—role decrease.

All of this may not mean much to the Jets right now because they decided not to hire a replacement, but if the team struggles, it might indicate who’s job security may be in jeopardy first.

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