The Death of Third-Party Cookies: What programmers and marketers should know:..

Programmatic Ads and the Death of Cookies: What Marketers Need to Know.


Concerns regarding user privacy and data protection in reference to online tracking methods have caused Google to commit to phase out third-party cookies entirely by the third quarter of 2024. This transition is a huge worry for advertisers, as 3P cookies have been vital for tracking user behavior across the Web, enabling targeted advertising and tailored experiences.

Programmatic advertising, in particular, which extensively relies on cookie-based user tracking and targeting to personalize ads, will confront issues, leading to less effective targeting, reduced ad relevance, and potentially worse returns on investment. Below, members of the Forbes Agency Council share critical insights into how the shift away from third-party data will effect programmatic advertising.

Marketers need to rely more on first-party data for programmatic advertising. First-party data obtained directly from customers and viewers can provide deeper, more accurate insights into campaign performance. The shift away from third-party data underscores the need to recognize different forms of data and how to stay within limitations. Arian Ghotbi, Cyrus Digital

As marketers search for more precision with third-party data—which, unlike first-party data, is developed primarily for new client acquisition—deterministic intent data will become more widespread. Using a deterministic intent data tool can help advertisers deliver advertising to prospective buyers—people who have demonstrated a special interest in their brand’s products or services. Paula Chiocchi, Outward Media, Inc.

Without third-party cookies, there’s a heightened emphasis on contextual targeting in programmatic advertising. Understanding the context in which advertising are displayed becomes vital for reaching relevant people. By connecting ad placements with relevant information, marketers may maintain efficiency in targeting while respecting user privacy preferences. Fadi Agour, RPM: REAL PERFORMANCE MARKETING

Third-party data has always been less accurate than first- or second-party data. The demise of the wrong-direction cookies necessitates additional vigilance from advertisers on validating the data sources of their third-party suppliers. This time also gives an opportunity to push clients to prioritize their first-party data strategy to harness opportunities such as Google’s PAIR solution. Stephen Rosa, (add)ventures

It’s only going to get worse, and you need to start gathering and exploiting first-party data as soon as possible. You need to know that you, as a marketer, are going to need to “feed the machine” more accurate data that it can utilize for targeting and optimization. Learn about offline conversion monitoring, e-commerce conversion statistics and developing custom audiences using first-party data ASAP. Bernard May, National Positions

Third-party data alone won’t cut it anymore. Think of it as a seasoning, not the main entrée. Focus on generating substantial first-party data (website behavior, loyalty programs) and employing compliant, cookieless third-party segments (such as contextual targeting) to add a sprinkling of external intelligence into programmatic advertising. This helps future-proof your targeting and tailor the ad experience. Ajay Prasad, GMR Web Team

The deletion of third-party cookies is going to seriously impact the lazy marketer. They allowed us execute campaigns that felt well-targeted without effort. Of course, poorly thought-through advertising still performed miserably, but it felt like we were hitting the appropriate folks. Now, marketers need to think about what they are aiming to achieve to build outstanding campaigns. This is not a terrible thing! Mike Maynard, Napier Partnership Limited

Welcome to the era of first-party data. Marketers, it’s your cue to innovate. Building a secure, privacy-focused system around your data is crucial. This isn’t just about compliance—it’s about harnessing your own data for programmatic advertising excellence. Embrace this transformation, improve your methods and lead in a privacy-first marketing world. Let’s make first-party data our strongest asset! Kate Vasylenko, 42DM Corporation

Marketers must know that depending only on third-party data for programmatic advertising may lead to limited audience insights and targeting capabilities. Marketers must prioritize creating direct relationships with their customers, gathering and activating first-party data, and implementing consent management systems to assure compliance and targeted advertising experiences. Alex Yastrebenetsky, InfoTrust

One key component is the requirement to move to your own data. Your primary data will soon become vital, and since you obtain it directly from your audience, this data is more dependable and relevant. So, it’s time for everyone to invest in proprietary data strategies. Ask for as much information from your clients as possible, and harvest data from their interactions with your website effectively. Dmitrii Kustov, Regex SEO

With cookies going away, it should be remembered that while third-party data can offer extra insights, the major focus of any campaign should be on exploiting client data. Encouraging clients to contribute their information by providing incentives supports more accurate and cost-effective advertising. Jessica Hawthorne-Castro, Hawthorne Advertising

A cookieless digital world appears likely, with data privacy taking primacy. Third-party data was, however, less accurate; marketers have always deemed first-party data to be more credible. The key to delivering great results in a cookieless environment is to continually give value-added, relevant material to your audience. Prashanthi Kolluru, KLOUDPORTAL

Marketers will, of course, need to place a stronger emphasis on first-party data, which is more useful anyhow, aside from being more respectful of user privacy. Collecting first-party data will require marketers to create trust with their audience and get innovative. Justin Belmont, Prose

Wave goodbye to third-party cookies and hello to privacy-centric alternatives! Embrace context- and consent-driven programmatic advertising. By combining technology and trust, you’ll establish stronger connections and provide value that keeps your audience engaged and loyal. This transition involves a deep grasp of regulatory landscapes and creative techniques of gathering data. Jonathan Schwartz, Bullseye Strategy

I prefer the phrase “retirement” of third-party cookies. We must accept the shattered federation of identities. Success demands a strong, universal ID framework, enabling the holistic perspective of an individual in their personal and professional lives and offline and digital activities. Third-party data is crucial to knowing the full individual, boosting the accuracy of predictive models, and ensuring personalization across programmatic channels. Thomas Zawacki, Data Axle

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